Ice skiing

29.12.20181 Min Read — In Trips

Been looking forward to this Blue Mountain skiing trip for a while. Beautiful weather, lovely hotel, life doesnt get any better than this... Right? IMG 1947


After about an hour waiting in line for our skiing equipment, we are finally ready to go. Holy cow I didn't expect skiing to be this hard. The gentlemen I asked said lift will take me straight to newbie area :flushed:. The view on lift was nice, but the other end of lift was expert lanes with about 40 degree descent.

The ride

I lost count of how many times I fall over spinning on the track. During two of these I even lost my poles, if it wasn't for the riders behind me passing me my poles I don't know how else am I going to make it to the bottom :sweat:. I'm sure these 30 minutes will be my life time memory :(
